My Story

Hello! My name is Ameya, and I’m a 25-year old multidisciplinary artist based in Melbourne, Australia.

When I was about 2 years old, I was generously given the creative freedom to draw all over the walls in the house. And I believe that was the beginning…

For over a decade, I have been creating in multiple fields including visual art, music, photography, filmmaking, animation, fashion and writing. I run Ameya’s Realm on my own – creating art and products, making YouTube videos, running an online shop, packaging and posting orders, doing freelance design and commission work, managing administration and collaborating with other businesses. Outside of this business, I’m also a vocalist/guitarist of an audio-visual dreamy rock band called Keaper, and a freelance photographer and filmmaker, part of a production company called Papermoon.

The name Ameya means limitless. I liked the idea of calling my brand & business Ameya’s Realm because I see it as a realm of limitless creativity; a place encompassing my infinite wonders in all creative forms. I also feel that creative expression is a magical and transformative act, which both takes me to another world and allows me to explore my inner world.

I follow my curiosities through art, and my favourite method of creating is by combining multiple art forms for immersive and innovative projects. I get excited by pushing boundaries and the idea of blending art forms in ways that may never have been done before. Creativity is of the highest value and priority for me in my day to day work, and a driving force through my life. I believe creative inspiration and expression can be the most powerful and uplifting experiences, as well as being tools for insight, perspective, and greater positive impact.

My life tends to unfold as a series of projects. Each of my creative endeavours carry me into my next chapter and adventure. Thanks for stopping by and being a part of this story!

“When you are inspired by some great purpose, some extraordinary project, all of your thoughts break their bonds. Your mind transcends limitations; your consciousness expands in every direction; and you find yourself in a new, great and wonderful world. Dormant forces, faculties and talents become alive and you discover yourself to be a greater person than you ever dreamed yourself to be.”

– Patanjali